Look carefully at this graph proposed by the INCA! The figures are clear! The big damage is done by tobacco and alcohol, once these 2 risk factors are controlled, the nutritional balance comes next. The eating habit is closely linked to physical activity, but also (surely underestimated in this graph) sleep and psychological state.

To make a long story short, here are 4 good things to remember for 2024:

1- I eat more fruits and vegetables, pulses and whole grains and less red meat:

For what ? Increase fiber intake. A diet rich in fiber can have various effects: reduction of hyperinsulinism, insulin resistance, circulating steroid hormone concentrations, intestinal transit time, exposure of the colon to carcinogens present in the colonic lumen. At the colonic level, under the action of the microbiota, fibers are also at the origin of the production of short-chain fatty acids with anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative properties.
Red meat and processed meats are linked to colorectal cancer.
How ?
Every day: 1 whole-grain starch (whole-grain bread, whole-grain rice, whole-grain pasta, etc.) + 5 fruits and vegetables (example: 3 portions of vegetables and 2 fruits).
2 times a week: dried vegetables (lentils, red beans, chickpeas, etc.).
b. Reduce red meat: Less than 500 g per week. Favor poultry and alternate with fish, eggs and dried vegetables and less than 150 g per week of cold cuts, favor cooked ham and poultry ham.

2- I prefer “homemade”:

How ? By organizing your shopping and planning. (Advice here: mangerbouger.fr, lesfruitsetlegumesfrais.com).
For what ?
a. Choose quality ingredients.
b. Partially avoid additives (emulsifiers, colorants, preservatives, etc.) and ingredients (maltodextrin, modified starch, invert sugar, hydrolyzed proteins, etc.) reserved for industrial use.
c. We save money.

3- I consume seasonal products:

For what ? Often tastier, good for the environment (encourage short supply chains).
How ? Join an AMAP (Association for the Maintenance of Peasant Agriculture) or the social and solidarity association “Les Jardins de Cocagne”.

4- I have the Nutriscore reflex:

For what ? Even if it does not take into account the quality of the ingredients or any additives, this marker present on food packaging remains very reliable, which we will integrate very soon into the CECYLIA application with certain improvements. Stay tuned!
How ? Since the rating is done by comparing the values of products in the same category, take the time to compare this score before putting it in the cart.
Share this information to raise awareness about the importance of healthy eating in preventing breast cancer.

Discover CECYLIA, our mobile nutrition coaching application for cancer prevention.

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